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Home Learning

Moorlands Nursery School is passionate about collaborative working with parents to support all children. We recognise that many parents would like to help their children at home but may need a few ideas to support learning beyond the nursery setting. Below are some things you could do to help your child with their learning at home.

Home Learning for 2-year-olds


Encourage your child to

  • learn to take off their own coat.

  • sit at a table and feed themselves.

  • learn the names of people in their family.

  • go to the park to explore climbing, sliding, rocking, etc.

  • follow simple instructions.

  • learn 3 nursery rhymes.

  • look at books together with you.

  • make marks with pencils, pens, crayons, paint.

  • build a tower with any construction.

  • learn some proper animal names (horse, not horsey; pig not piggy).

  • learn 3 primary colours: red, blue, yellow.

Home Learning for 3 and 4-year-olds

  • Encouraging your child to get dressed and undressed on their own - dressing up, playing with buttons and zips is a great way to develop skills.

  • Play turn-taking games with your child to support how they learn to interact socially and share with others.

  • Learn to jump in different ways, climb, balance, roll, stretch to help physical development.

  • Help your child start a conversation taking turns to listen and speak.

  • Read stories, rhymes and non fiction books with your child to help them understand print has meaning and extend their knowledge of vocabulary.

  • Find and make patterns, for example stick, leaf, stick, leaf.

  • Help your child use their senses to explore natural materials and encourage them to be curious.

  • Take part in pretend play, helping your child use their imagination.

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Reading a wide range of texts to your child is a great way to help your child learn to read later.

Some books we have shared in Autumn:

Nursery Rhymes

Dear Zoo

The Very Busy Spider

The Colour Monster

The Little Red Hen

The Messy Magpie

Room on the Broom

Owl Babies

Teddy Takes a Tumble

Gingerbread Man

My First Christmas

Shhh! (Christmas )

Santa’s Suit

3 Little Pigs

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

Billy Goats Gruff

We are going on a Bear Hunt

Naughty Bus

The Invisible Strings

Chinese New Year Story

Pancakes, Pancakes

Peace at Last

Rainbow Fish

Have you seen the Elephant?

The Tiger who came to Tea

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Handa’s Surprise

Baby goes to Market


Oliver’s Vegetables

Kangaroo’s Guide to Keeping Fit

Useful websites

Below are some helpful age-appropriate websites to support learning at home. 

Please remember to always supervise your child online to keep them safe.

Nursery Rhymes and Songs

Sesame Street

Creative Lab



BBC bitesize Understanding the World

Healthy Movers





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